中國石化新聞網訊 據路透社5月30日莫斯科報道,俄羅斯第2大天然氣生產公司諾瓦泰克首席財務官Mark Gyetvay5月30日在莫斯科舉行的一次電話會議上表示,由于該公司的其中一個氣田上個月發生火災,諾瓦泰克已把其今年的天然氣產量增長預測大幅削減了一半以上。
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Russia's Novatek Slashes 2014 Gas Output Growth Forecast After Fire
MOSCOW, May 30 (Reuters) - Novatek, Russia's No.2 natural gas producer, has more than halved its 2014 production growth forecast due to a fire at one of its gas fields last month, the company's chief financial officer said on Friday.
CFO Mark Gyetvay estimated that Novatek's total gas output will increase by between 2 to 3 percent this year, down from previous forecasts of a 7 to 8 percent rise.
But the company was confident it could restore normal production in the fourth quarter of this year, and the fire would not influence 2015 production, he told a conference call.