中國石化新聞網訊 據道瓊斯5月28日消息,花旗集團的安東尼.袁表示,2020年中期前,俄羅斯可能將出口亞洲的天然氣量提高至90億立方英尺/天。美國也計劃向亞洲市場出口100億立方英尺/天的LNG。花旗集團表示,根據俄羅斯和中國最近簽署的天然氣協議,俄羅斯將向中國出口37億立方英尺/天的管輸天然氣,占到當前LNG貿易量的逾10%,相當于日本年消費量的約三分之一。花旗集團表示,此外加拿大的LNG出口也將受到影響,因為爭奪亞洲市場的供應商越來越多。
DJ Russian Gas Supply to Asia May Rival U.S. and Canada: Citi
[Dow Jones] Russia could raise its gas exports to Asia by as much as 9 billion cubic feet a day by mid-2020, rivaling the U.S., says Citi's Anthony Yuen. The U.S. also plans to bring 10 bcf/day of liquefied natural gas to market. Citi says the 3.7 bcf/day of pipeline gas under the current Russia-China deal is more than 10% of the volume of LNG currently traded, which equates to about one-third of Japan's annual consumption. Canadian LNG could also be affected as the field of suppliers gets more crowded, the bank says.